Tuesday, April 7, 2009

emotion and reason April 8th

media source: video on emotion and reason (one showed to us in class.)

Is it our emotion, or reason that drives us? According to the video i saw in TOK class, one should not be the driven by emotion as it leads to unfortunate circumstances. the video used Hitler as an example of being guided by emotion. those who let Hitler touch their emotions, joined the Nazi party, and created havoc and were guilty of genocide. on the other hand, listening to our ability to reason, made the person act rationally and one did not make a fool of one's self. the conclusion was that one shouldn't be driven by emotions, but one should still look after ones emotional needs.
I disagree with this completely. one mustn't get carried away by their emotions, but keeping them on the back seat is incorrect. Life is too short to live in fear. Life is too short to live by the rules. our emotional hunger must be fulfilled for if we don't live a satisfying life, we will die full of regret. before my grandfather went in for surgery, my Grandmother said that if only he hadn't lived a life on the edge, drinking, smoking, eating all sorts of food, gambling and getting so stressed out because of the activities he got himself into, then he wouldn't be there int he first place. in retaliation what my grandfather said really changed how i felt. he said that she was right, he probably wouldn't, but then again she wouldn't be by his side, for she loved him for who he was, and living on the edge was his "thing". he said he wouldn't change his life even on his deathbed, because it was satisfying and at least he was leaving knowing that he had no regrets and did everything he ever wanted to do. That is the kind of life i want to lead. A life where there is no risk, is a life too boring. letting our emotion take a backseat is not being true to ourselves, and is sacrificing our own happiness.
I'm not saying that we mustn't give reason importance, for without reason, fun can go out of control, and then we might regret giving emotion all the power, before we must give reason a fair say. act within the rational limits reason gives us. reason must cooperate with emotion and draw a line that mustn't under any circumstances be crossed, for example doing drugs would cross the line for a teenager. Using Hitler as an example in a way was hitting our emotion. The directors tried making us anti emotion power by telling us that Hitler used that method to brainwash the Germans. But we should not tel ourselves be affected by that for our emotional satisfaction is what we all live for. giving it a back seat is like punishing ourselves for living and dreaming.
The claim i feel is wrong and misguided. it is not rational and people shouldn't follow it. for if the claim were right, then most people would be living a life that they shouldn't lead, and all lives would come to a stand still. we should worry about the possibility for it being true, because do we really want to live a life in chains? should we surrender to emotion and remain bound for life?

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