Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Intuition 20th april.

whose intuitions should you trust? are some people's intuitions better than other?
Well according to me, an intuition is something personal. It comes from within and has no true reason behind it. though people may share the same intuition, when it comes to trust, i am the only person whose intuitions i can trust. while i might believe in the Intuition of others, it is not the same feeling i get from within. though it is true to say that when a person who knows me has an intuitive feeling against a person who might hurt me in the future i will listen and stay wary of them, i know that on hearing another's gut feeling i will reason out a possible explaination of why that feeling might be true before pulling myself away from that person. When it comes to trusting an intuition it depends on who it comes from. it is a person you Intuitively feel is a perceptive person, then trusting them would be smarter that to trust a person who doesnt seem very perceotive. Therefore i feel primary trust can only come from my intuitive feelings.

If something is intuitively obvious must everybody agree about it?
There was a time where it was intuitively obvious that the white man was superior to the Black man. For years Africans were treated as objects that were sold and bought. they were slaves and treated no worthier than posessions. Though this was the case to white men, the black man did not agree. To him he was not destined to live this tyranny-bound life. Though societies have intuitions that they might believe, everybody need not agree with it. Muslims believe they are superior to all man, and that was the same with the Aryan race. While a Muslim or an Aryan can believe this, another person need not.

Is the anythign that everybody agees about?
acoording to me, this is to broad a question. While there a million things people disagree about, there are things that everyone agrees about. these are the factual things of existence. Things like the Earth is round, and the Sun is hot, things that the Earth revolves around the Sun and Matter exists are all things that all people believe in. But there are things that will never be agreed upon. Things like the exsitence of God, the creation of the world, the bad in killing a human, and even the Taliban being bad are htings that every peron will never agree upon.

Could you be wrong to think that something is Intuitively obvious?
While many gut feelings and hoped intuitions did not come out right, it is not wrogn to think that soemhtign is intutively obvious for it might just be. Intuitions are natural. We have them everyday. we wake up thinking if the day will go of well or not. But many a time intuitions can go wrong. trusting a person because it seems obvious that they will never hurt you can often be a mistake for something can happen that makes that person change, and then you might get hurt.

Might you one day come to see that something you tought was intuitively obvious is in fact a deep rooted prejudice?
i had a fixed belief, a feeling that love could never exist free from lust and passion. since me early teens i always believed this, but after hearing a story about my great grand parents and their love, i saw that love can exist. just with one story my preconvceived notion vanished and some sort of hope in the system of love took over me. maybe love truly can exist. If not for all, then atleast for some.

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