Tuesday, April 7, 2009

6th april(monday)

Are we misguided by our emotions? Do they control our actions and make us fail? is this always the case? Are we but the slaves of our emotions? Our ability to reason, a gift given to prevent us from self destruction caused by our own emotions, is there to help us survive. But what i wonder is, if we listen to reason, and ignore emotions, then will we not be satisfied by life? taking risks, looking beyond, trying things that don't seem reasonable are things that make our lives exciting. Living on he edge is what makes me different from most others. if we only listen to reason, then most of the things we do based on spontaneity will stop, and our lives will get boring. we might lose that thrill we get every morning when we wake up for a new day comes with new possibilities and ways of having fun. i think that listening to reason can make life monotonous. is there a balance to the two? can we satisfy our emotional hunger and live a safe life reasoning out our actions? is it really that simple to satisfy the hunger of our emotions? and what happens when our emotions want what our reason says in impossible? do we just let what we passionately feel for go in order to live on the safe side, or should we agree to bare with the pain for the joy and the happiness it gives us through the pain is still better than not having anything at all. i fear that the struggle for power will never stop, but acording to me, emotions shouldn't take a back seat for we have one life, and if we dont take chances now, we will die with regret.

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