Wednesday, April 15, 2009

13th April (monday)

James Lang theory says that emotion arises from a physical change. he claims that if a person physically forces himself to smile, the feeling of joy will actually spark in him. i disagree with this theory. we can not emote out of force. Today we see masked people all around us. Not many people are truly honest about their feelings, and even if they are, the truth comes out only in front of those people one trusts. we mask our emotions, and many a time, even I pretend to be happy when truly i am sad. But putting on that smile, it doesn't make the pain go away. True sadness isn't so weak that it can change with a forced expression. The theory should be the other way around. It is our emotion that portrays our expressions, but even then, sometimes people don't show how they truly feel. When it comes to primary emotions, there always isn't a need for an external factor to shape one's emotions, but even for an emotion like happiness, one can not become happy by plastering a smile across their face. Happiness comes from within, it can not be reasoned out, for sitting to reason out happiness would probably give us so many reasons to frown, that the smile goes away. happiness is something that takes long to feel, and a simple physical action is not the key. Sure smiling may make others feel that you are happy and they perceive truth int hat smile, and they too might smile, but for the person who is smiling, are they truly happy, or is it plastered? Can the key to happiness, something that people take years to find really be that simple?

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