Saturday, August 1, 2009

Science 22nd July

The body is complex and can not ever be completely studied. Even if scientists rip it apart and study every inch of our organs and tissues, they will not know everything there is to know about the body. They will not know how everything works. through it all even today the genetic make up of a human can not be determined. The human genome has thousands f genes yet there is scope for more. Humans use only a small percentage of their brain. DOctors do not know why. Life goes out of us in an instant. what is it that makes us alive. And most importantly going beyond biology, understanding human emotions, understanding human behavior. Humans can be studied but they can never be completely understood. They can be experimented on but no situation can ever be the same, and hence no generalization can be specific enough and all humans can not be studied fully. Human emotions are hormonal changes stimulated by our pituitary glands and they are open to change and alot depends from person to person. while a death can cause one perosn to weep it can put another i shock and disbelief leaving them blank. Movies have the powers to stir some emotions, yet leave many unaffected. Why is it that people have different reactions to the same situations? The questions on emotional functioning can not be answered clearly, showing the limit of the study of humans. there is biology, psychology, anthropology, chemisty, physics, and anatomology, yet all put together still can not define the human as sophisticated as this species is.
Being humans ourselves, we as a race have faild to understand ourselves. We have failed to undetstand what makes us tick and what calms us down. Yes we know that our nervous system does, but howdoes a stimulus affect us all differently? We take life so lightly, without even understanding it. We claim we are the most advanced of all specimens, but we still dont understand ourselves; so what gives us this right?

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