Sunday, August 2, 2009

Animal vs Human- 24th july

Animals apparently, so we are told, are not as sophisticated as humans. they do not possess the advancement of a human brain and lack the ability to reason out things. i do not believe this in the slightest of ways. Animals are out in a wild where there prime motive is survival. If humans were set in the wild the way animals are, then they too would act on instinct as once the red-indians and cave men did. Man now says Cave men werent advanced and hence acted with no reason. i do not believe this to be true. when you are out in the wild, money doesnt mean power, so one must act in the present. The truth is that the simple fact that animals act according to their instinct and stay alert is their ability to reason out that it is requried. anials are conditioned the way humans are. For a dog who has been beaten why all men who have come close to her, it is Deductive reasoning to be afraid of all men. It isnt instinct in that case. A bear could see a human and believe he is there to harm and torture his child, and so acts ina ccordance and saves his child fromt he torture by killing it. It might not be the same way a human reasons out his actions, but it is reasoning out nevertheless. Animals too have language and a way to communicate with eachother; dogs bark, cows moo, frogs "ribbet". Humans have separated themselves from animals when they have evolved from apes themselves. what makes us more civilized; the fact that our jungles are made of concrete unlike the animals'? What makes us more civilived; when we kill over money and love and anger? what is it that makes us so special? why have we places ourselves on a pedistal closest to god? How can we say we are the closest to him when we were banished from paradise by him? when i sit to think about it, what separates us from "animals" is nothing else but our ego!

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