Sunday, March 29, 2009

25th March (wednesday)

What is it that makes a person's words matter? after our last TOK class i couldn't help but keep thinking about it. Is it the grammar they use, is it the use of formal language, is it the vocabulary, or is it simply tone?
Is the way they speak as important as what they say? According to me, the way is even more important to what is said. IF a person does not sound confidence when they speak, then no body is going to listen to them, and what thy say wont even matter. The heart gets touched by emotion faster than logic. Although it may not be the best thing, it is the truth. our reason takes a backseat to emotion, as people tend to be driven by emotion most of the time. Emotions shape most of our reactions. Man says that the mind is the center of thinking, yet the way we think is mostly determined by our emotions. when a person talks, they should sound confident, as though they believe what they are saying. If the speaker isn't convinced then what incentive does the listener have to believe either? Why bother listening when the person whose idea it is seems to not believe in the idea itself.
I'm not saying that what the person is saying isnt important, because it is, for once a person is persuaded into listening, and has the little belief, they need to find good cause to stay with the belief. This is done by word play. By hitting the emtions, making the listener believe they are doing the right thing. Once the speaker has the others listening, that is when the true test of talent begins. Language is a complicated thing to understand. it takes skill, and understanding to tackle.
The speech Antony gives in Julius Caesar, was simple. It did not use the complicated intellectual superiourity that Brutus' speech did, but was a simple emotional speech. he used confidence to the right extent, and made the listener feel a personal connection to what he was saying. it wasn,t flowery language, it was just emotional. when it comes to public speaking the key behind it is confidence. confidence to stirke the right emotion. IF that is achieved, then the listeners are pupets in the hands of the speaker.
Obama has mastered the key to Speaking. but i feel better than him, one would say that Bush once had. He convinced an entire country that the war in Iraq was the right thing to do, just by a play of wrods. he made each american feel like they had done the right thing by electing a man who was going to do such a nobel thing. and for so long, his words, that were not appealing to reason and logic, but were appealing to emotion, were what the americans believed.
yes with time logic and reason proved them wrong, but if he hadnt used confidence, then people would have never elected him or taken him seriously. one must master emotion to master the other ways of knowing.